Бизнес английски език

Бизнес английски

Предлагаме изучаване на различни теми от Бизнес Английски.
Може да се комбинират 2 или няколко.
Може да се изучават индивидуално или на групи.
Продължителността е от 30 до 60 учебни часа
Обучението е практически насочено с много примери от бизнесаи проведените до сега обучения дадоха добър резултат.


Предлаганите теми са следните:

Business environment
Organisation Structures
Marketing Strategy
Marketing and Sales Planning
E-marketing Communication
Effective Business communications
Developing Intelligent Personal Business Skills
The Secrets of Effective  Presentations
English for business and management
Essential Strategies and Skills for Successful Negotiation
Research and Statistics
Information Technologies
Business Planning and Goal Setting
Politics and Business
Culture and the Organisation
Business Culture and Ethics
Human resources
Customers and Customer Service
International Еconomics
Capital markets,
Effective Leadership
Managing Ethically
Motivating and Influencing People
Making Decisions
Creativity and Problem Solving
Information systems project management,
Business Law,
Project management
Managerial accounting
Interpreting Business Accounts
Practical Accounting Analysis
Financial Management and Control
Business planning
Change management
Strategic management
Innovation and Research and Development
Market Leader - uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills  needed to communicate in the modern world of business.

Специализиран английски

Ако са Ви необходими конкретни знания на английски език по определени теми, с удоволствие ще Ви предложим нашите специализирани обучения.
При запитване ще направим оферта според Вашите изисквания за продължителността, времето и мястото на провеждане и съответно за цената на обучението.
След обсъждане можем да предложим и други теми според Вашите изисквания.

Темите са следните:

Business English– темите ще видите в категория Бизнес английски
English for Banking and Finance
English for Effective Presentations
Essential  Strategies and Skills for Successful Negotiation
English for the Public Sector
English for Economics and Statistics
English for Sales and Marketing
English for Import and Export
English for International Trade
English for Legal Professionals
English for Insurance
English for Real estate’s specialists
English for Facilities Management
English for Flight Attendants and Cabin Crew
English for Aviation
English for Automobile Industry
English for Pharmaceutical Industry
English for Medical Specialists
English for Tourism and Leisure Industry
English for Hospitality and Hotel Management
English for Events and Conference Management
English for Culinary and Nutrition
English for Housekeepers
English for Hotel Staff
English for Food and Drink Staff
English for Tour Guides
English for Taxi Drivers
English for Cashiers
English for Catering
English for Care work
English for Cleaners
English for Administration for School and Colleges
English for Agriculture, Conservation and Environment
English for Logistics, Distribution and Transportation
English for Oil, Gas, petroleum and Marine Industries
English for IT and Computing
English for Computer Systems and Software
English for Computer Programming
English for E-Commerce Applications
English for Web based development
English for Cyber security
English for the Fashion Industry
English for Self employed
English for voluntary
English for Effective Lecturing Skills in English
English for Retail  
English for Construction Workers

British Business Academy

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